Thursday, August 29, 2013

WOW! What a morning!

These birds sure do know how to behave this morning! Can all day be like this? Stay tuned!!!


  1. I think its because of the long weekend.

  2. Great job Birdies! Can't wait for the end results.

  3. Everyone had a fantastic day!! Keep up the hard work kiddos!

  4. Hi Mrs. Lindsey Roach, thank you for the good words. I love my teachers.

  5. That is so awesome when you can see your child's behavior and progress and based on the results you know on which areas try to work on and improve, even though I think it is too early to expect from the children of this age do everything perfectly well. They are kids and I think it is normal that they can get tired and being distracted for seconds or do silly things. At the same time it helps to improve certain areas.
    Ms. Roach please try to post pictures of all children as when they see the photos of their friends and don't see theirs they are getting upset, I am sure all children deserve to be on your blog. They love you and enjoy their English classes. Thank you for understanding and hard work.
