Friday, August 30, 2013

Wow. It's been hot

Somehow your kids manage to smile through it all though!

Flashback Friday

The first day of school! Did you take pictures? Email them to me. I'll put them up!


I was out of the classroom today...but I still got to go to the flag ceremony! Have a great weekend everyone! See you Tuesday!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Today was a really great day! I'm so proud of all the students hard work. I couldn't be happier!

My froggy's were also awesome!

WOW! What a morning!

These birds sure do know how to behave this morning! Can all day be like this? Stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

March on Washington 1963

Ask your kids about the March on Washington in 1963. They will tell you who spoke that day and why it was important.

Labor Day on Monday 9/2

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that 9/2 is a state holiday and school will be closed. I forgot this!! So the 1st spelling test will be on Tuesday, September 3rd. This gives you an extra day to study!

Here is a link to the district calendar in case you haven't had a chance to look at it. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Super sentences

Great job! These all had a capital letter at the beginning and a period at the end. 


All homework is due on Friday. No need to bring the folder back to school each day.

Thank you!!!

~Mrs. Roach

Bird group

Hi Moms and Dads,

I just wanted to say sorry for bringing the kids out late. The birds are having a hard time lining up at the end of the day. If you don't mind, please remind them how they should line up at the end of the day. 

Thank you!

~mrs. roach 

Perfect reading position

This is how you sit when you read.


Yesterday your children worked on their first spelling words. You will find the spelling words on the Homework page. I have made a video to help your child practice spelling words at home. Click on the link that says Practice Tests. Give your child a pencil and a piece of paper numbered from 1-10. Let them listen and take a practice test. Take the test over and over again until your child masters the words!

Have fun!

Spelling tests are always given on Mondays! The first spelling test will be given on Monday, 9/2.

Your kids can also practice their words by clicking on the links below:
-an words
-at words
reading practice

Friday, August 23, 2013

Funny picture

Oh Madalene! You're so silly! 

Dojo Points

Hi Parents!

As you take the time to look at the dojo points, please note that I am being very strict right now. If your son or daughter lost several points today, please talk to them about the ways to earn more points. The more you are involved with the points, the more they will be motivate to earn more. They will also feel the consequences of the actions at home when you talk to them about negative points.

If your son or daughter earned 5 or points in more day... WOW! What an accomplishment. You should be proud. Have a wonderful weekend!

~Mrs. Roach

How to sit on the rug and raise your hand

Practicing words

Email address please!

I'm asking for each parent to send me an email sometime before next Friday so I can have your email on file.

Just say hello and tell me the name of your child!

A few important things

First of all, thank you all for attending Back to School Night! I look forward to a great school year.

My fifteen minute time slot got the better of me and I forgot a few things.

Supplies and Donations:
I strongly suggest purchasing a folder for your child to keep their classwork in. This folder will stay at school. Staples sells wonderful plastic ones that will last the entire school year. Please, do not purchase a 3 ring binder. Click here for an example.

Things we almost always need include: tissue, wet wipes, paper, black ink cartridges (for an Epson C88+ printer), pencils, band aides, and expo markers. Any donations, at any time are always appreciated.

The students and I love having parent helpers. I will begin scheduling parent volunteers for the month of October. I will be sending home more information regarding this towards the end of October.

Flag Ceremony:
We are performing at the last Flag Ceremony in May! Mark your calendars for May 28th.

I have already purchased homework folders for your children.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hi Parents!!

Welcome to our class blog! I am going to use this site as a way to share information, class news, and photos throughout the year. I've used websites as a way to communicate with parents with much success for the past few years! I know you'll love it. Please spend some time looking at it with your child. It's a great conversation starter!

Why have a blog?
Here are just a few of the benefits:

Please take time to subscribe to the blog. There is a link at the bottom. By subscribing, you'll never miss anything that I post.

Leave comments on any of the posts. You can: ask questions, give praise and offer feedback. Additionally, your kids can leave comments! The kids love to see what their friends say on the blog!

I love taking pictures of your kids! When we do something cool at school, I want to share it with you! Also...sometimes I'm able to catch some great moments of pride and excitement!

In an effort to save paper, I prefer to give all directions directly on this site. This way there is no paper to loose and no wasted paper!

 1st Grade Student
1st Grade Teacher

Student Entries
Later in the school year, I'll let the children add entries during our computer lab time! This is exciting for them. It gives them a sense of ownership and pride.

As the year goes on, I'm sure you'll find even more benefits! I hope you enjoy!

~Mrs. Roach